Day 5 - eggs!
Last night we moved into our new temporary accommodation, a Thai "homestay" 5 minutes from Helen and Wit's. It's very pretty with a lovely lady owner, a bit like an Airbnb. Plus she/her husband (?) has a wonderful collection of old tech - TVs, hi-fi's, videos... you name it. And there's chickens, we think... on the roof!

But the story of the day is eggs. We were out visiting with Wit, Helen and Ban Dara leader Arirat. Often it was to small groups of new Christians who are part of the church there. Some had invited family/friends/neighbours to come along to meet them and us. And everywhere we went Wit and Helen presented a dozen eggs to each household represented - 3 or 4 bags on some occasions.

We took turns at each house to share some of our testimony, sing a couple of hymns in both English and Thai, and then pray with people. Sometimes this was for healing, sometimes for family, employment, or market stalls, and always for deepening faith. Everyone was very open to receive this, and we were able to speak about God's love, peace, and grace in Jesus.

One or two were new contacts even to Helen and Wit, but not Arirat who grew up in the same village. And in a few cases they had come to a recent two-day rally ("crusade") the church had held, but were not yet Christians. We met Tawat, for instance, who had been a (mini-)bus driver and recently lost part of his leg following a stroke. He still gets about using his lever-driven chair. Plus (bonus fact) he's an Arsenal supporter 😉!

After quite a long day we went out for dinner (again... I could get used to this!) with Arirat and a 15 year old girl called Music whom she helps look after. But we had to stop on the way for a beautiful picture or two by the big Nan River which flows through the area.
