Day 8 - a good goodbye

Our final day began with a squeal, as Dorothea went out to explore the garden. She put on her boots and took a few steps before deciding there must be something stuck inside. She shook out her boot, and out fell a frog! Dorothea jumped. So did the frog.


Mid-morning we joined Helen for her English lesson at the Ban Tao Hai school. 12 children aged between 6 and 10 sat in a circle and asked each other in turn their name and their age. We then sang two songs (including "Wide and long and high and deep" again) and then taught them four words: potato, mushroom, peas and sausages using a few games.


Finally out came the parachute, and we had a great amount of fun with first the footballs and then with a game of cat and mouse. One child went underneath the parachute while another tried to catch them from on top, Queue more squealing (this time from the kids) and giggling.


After lunch Helen and Wit took us back to the station, and we left Uttaradit a little later than planned at 1.50pm. We ordered chicken with rice on the train, which turned out to be rather spicy 🔥.


Everything went smoothly crossing Bangkok and we got back to the airport in plenty of time. We're just waiting now for our flight to take off. That's it for the blog. See you soon back in the UK!

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