
Thank you so much for your support.
We could not fulfil our God-given vision without your generous offering of your time, talents and finance. We encourage regular members of the church to contribute to the vision of the church and the activities associated with it.
You can give financially by:
1. Regular giving direct to the Church bank account - please email the Treasurer for details.
2. Occasional giving online (this incurs a small admin fee to the Church). Please use the form below.
3. Send a cheque via the post to the Treasurer at the Church address.
4. Put an offering in the collection box in the Church foyer.
5. See the poster in the Foyer for the QR code to use BOPP online giving..
If you pay tax and Gift Aid, this adds significantly to the value of your gift. Please email the Treasurer for more details, or you can pick up a Gift Aid form from the slot in the side of the collection box in the Church foyer and return it to the Treasurer or post it into the collection box.
For more information, please get in touch with us on our Contact Page.